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At St James’, we aim to ensure the transition into Kindergarten is a smooth and positive experience for all students.

Transition programs involve up to six opportunities for students to visit the school and participate in classes and playground activities, while their parents have the opportunity to socialise and meet new parents. Staff also conduct information sessions for parents to learn vital information about school readiness.

New Kindergartens are well and truly a part of the school community prior to their official first day of school. Kindergartens receive invitations and letters from their Year 6 buddies prior to starting school to ensure that they have at least one special friend on arrival at school.

Community is an important aspect of life at St James’, where social relationships are supported and encouraged. Playgroup is a great time for new students and parents to meet other students and parents who will be a part of the new Kindergarten class.

Students transitioning to high school are also supported by involvement in induction days at St Pius X High School, Adamstown. St James’ classroom teachers and Learning Support Teacher are also available to discuss learning and social needs of transitioning students with representatives of St Pius.
