Religious Education

As a Catholic school, and in collaboration with parents and parishes, we work together to ensure and support the religious development of students.

Regular instruction in Religious Education is a feature of our school curriculum. We provide a Religious Education program that is relevant and meaningful and embraces core Catholic beliefs and values. The program aims to enhance or promote knowledge and understanding of the traditions of the Catholic community, its story, its experiences and its teachings, through the following four strands:

  • Jesus and Scripture
  • History and Beliefs
  • Celebration and Prayer
  • Justice and Morality

The classroom teaching of religion aims to:

  • Encourage students to find the meaning and joy in learning about the story, experiences and teachings of the Catholic Christian tradition
  • Enable students to be more articulate and thoughtful about the Catholic Christian tradition and its place within the religious and cultural diversity of Australian society and in their daily lives
  • Encourage informed participation of students in the Catholic Church community
  • Enable students to know, understand and integrate Gospel values such as compassion, forgiveness, hope and justice and service in their daily life.