St James’ has a well-equipped Learning Hub that is designed to promote communication, collaboration and creativity. Spaces within the hub have been created to support the construction of knowledge and connections between learning and the real world, using modern technologies and research-based learning strategies.

Laptops are made available to classes on a one-to-one basis. Each week, students participate in a formal library lesson with a library teacher and are encouraged to borrow books from our extensive range.

The Ashton Scholastic Book Club operates within the school, providing families with the opportunity to purchase books and encourage reading at home.

Book Week is held each year in August, where special events, such as author visits, are held.

Students are invited to participate in the annual Premier’s Reading Challenge, encouraging them to read a wide variety of specially selected books. If students reach their target, they will receive a special certificate from the NSW Premier.

The Learning Hub is used throughout the lunch break to provide alternate activities for students. These include debating groups, writers’ workshop and student reading.