Our Learning Technology  

Learning Technology is the broad range of communication, information and related technologies that can be used to support learning and teaching. We provide opportunities for all our students as 21st century learners. These opportunities include skills and the use of technology independently and as class pursuits. In all of our teaching programs and classrooms, students have access to different activities that involve different aspects of learning technology. At St James’, classrooms are fitted with Smart Boards or Smart TVs which are used as a group tool. Students also have access to iPads and our banks of laptops for small group or independent activities. 

The school has a variety of technology including:

  • BeeBots
  • 70 iPads
  • 50 laptops
  • 31 micro:bits
  • Edison robots
  • Makey Makeys

Coding classes are run before school on a Tuesday by Broader Learning. Teachers also incorporate coding into their technology time in the computer lab, as well as during different KLAs.

All students develop skills of computational thinking and the creation and use of different levels of abstraction to better understand and solve problems, including using algorithms.

We promote the safe and responsible use of these learning technologies, particularly when students are online. Students are taught to understand the behaviours and processes that will help them act in a safe and responsible manner when using digital technologies.